ultimatum|ultimata|ultimatums in English


[ul·ti·ma·tum || ‚ʌltɪ'meɪtəm]

final condition or demand the rejection of which may lead to the use of force

Use "ultimatum|ultimata|ultimatums" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ultimatum|ultimata|ultimatums" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ultimatum|ultimata|ultimatums", or refer to the context using the word "ultimatum|ultimata|ultimatums" in the English Dictionary.

1. Robinhood Complies With Ultimatum

2. It's just a crass ultimatum!

3. They've sent an ultimatum, Majesty

4. And now he had issued an ultimatum.

5. Carnality needs alternatives, but spirituality heeds ultimatum

6. In the end the defendant gave an ultimatum.

7. Att leva ihop med en annan människa är den ultimata formen av Antiegoism

8. Nebuchadnezzar gives them an ultimatum —bow down or die!

9. Fifteen blacks were called in and given this ultimatum.

10. You can't keep shooting your mouth off the way you have been... and issuing these ultimatums.

11. Att leva ihop med en annan människa är den ultimata formen av Antiegoism

12. This ultimatum was bound to create a grave crisis.

13. Buging Out With Standard Sultai Ultimatum – Deck Guide Update

14. Antonyms for Acquiescences include challenges, dares, goads, provocations, taunts, spurs, invitations, summonses, threats and ultimatums

15. This is an ultimatum that Steadman is ready to meet.

16. You guys were given an ultimatum that came from Operations.

17. Meanwhile President Gustav Husak's ultimatum to go expires on Sunday.

18. Lithuania, preferring peace to war, accepted the ultimatum on March 19.

19. Barytones, you made mention of Arewa youths ultimatum of 1st October

20. The Hull note ultimatum is delivered to Japan by the United States.

21. The cabinet met today to discuss how to respond to the ultimatum.

22. The government denied that it had presented the union with an ultimatum.

23. He gave me an ultimatum: either Tom had to leave, or me.

24. (James 3:8) Threats and ultimatums send out the message: ‘I do not view our marriage as permanent.

25. He issued an ultimatum: unless there was an early return, he would resign.